Spring cleaning is crucial to keeping your home organized and clutter-free. The best place to start with your cleaning is in the kitchen! By pairing these cleaning tips with the organization tips from our last blog, your kitchen is going to make all your guests say "aahhh" with envy!

Depending where you and your family spend most of their time, the best place to tackle spring cleaning will change. However, there is a very common denominator in every home- and that’s the kitchen. In the kitchen you could find a messy pantry, a couple of junk drawers, a fridge full of past expiration dates but organizing this is simple and will leave the center of the home feeling clean and comfortable!
Start by cleaning out the fridge, take out every single item! Wipe down each shelf/drawer with a disinfectant (we like these Seventh Generation wipes from Amazon!) and strategically organize all food items. Start by putting the fresh fruits and veggies into the climate controlled drawer and the meats/cheeses into another drawer. Add your sauces, condiments, and large containers (like milk or juice) to the side shelves. It is important to leave the center of your fridge as open as possible for leftovers and other miscellaneous items that accumulate during the week.

In the pantry, start the same way as you did the fridge. Take out all items and dust off each of the shelves. We like using the Swiffer dusters that you can purchase HERE from Target. Reorganize all of your food items and a way that makes sense- for example, make sure that all of the cereal is next to each other on the same shelf. If you have anything loose, like snack packs, granola bars or candy, consider buying a few small bins to put on the shelves rather than stacking the packages that they came in. You can look at our last blog post for more tips to keep your pantry looking sharp.
The process of reorganization can become overwhelming if it is put off for too long- give Delphinium Concierge a call to get the process started! We will help to organize your home, drop off donations of items you no longer need and make the Spring cleaning process a breeze!